Liked “The WORLD doesn't need to see Christians doing good things for God!!! They need to see God doing IMPOSSIBLE things through Christians!!! FAITH and PRAYER are invisible, but they make IMPOSSIBLE things POSSIBLE!!!! Its God part to do the WONDERS.. our part is to do THE SIMPLEST and that is to TRUST AND PRAY!!! There is NOTHING God cannot do, so Think BIG... Think POSITIVE... Think VICTORIOUS!!! Pray until your SITUATION changes!!! Know that MIRACLES happen EVERY DAY!!! NEVER STOP BELIEVING!!! God can change things VERY QUICKLY in our LIVES!!! You may not SEE a WAY, but God still has a WAY!! It may look IMPOSSIBLE, but God can do the IMPOSSIBLE!!! Just because you FOUND God doesn't mean you should STOP seeking Him!!! Love you
Stay Safe”
419 11th Ct W, Birmingham, AL 35204